Tuesday, November 29, 2022

F Van Wyck Mason - 315 / 365 of reading one short story every day.

F Van Wyck Mason

Francis Van Wyck Mason was an American historian and novelist. He is known chiefly for writing pulp fiction, thriller novels and mystery stories.

The Seeds of Murder, introduced Captain Hugh North, a detective in Army Intelligence and the hero in a long series of "intrigue" novels.

Mason's writing style was colorful and with quick plots and many twists. He seems to use his own voice in telling these stories in the third person, though he only lets a little of his personality come through as narrator. His stories usually revolve around a heroic gentleman character. This hero is usually a little rough around the edges and may be forced to extreme measures by circumstances, but in the end, comes out on top. 
Based on his own life which involved extensive travel, his stories are usually either set in exotic locations, as in the Hugh North stories, or involve main characters who are getting about quite a bit. His historical stories nearly always involve some kind of warfare and frequently include naval battles. While one may learn a little history and geography when reading his works, the main point of his stories is the excitement provided as he first makes the reader care about his main characters and then puts them into dire circumstances where they have to fight for their lives.

Source - Fantastic fiction blog

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